who we are

Founded in 1973, by Mary Pendleton & Betty Gaudy, we are a diverse group whose mission is to encourage interest and education in fiber arts including loom, basket and tapestry weaving, yarn spinning, knitting, crocheting, dyeing, needle and hand felting

Our mission is to encourage interest and education in the art of hand weaving, spinning, and related crafts; to bring practical knowledge and technical help to interested persons; to give volunteer service to any school or organization that may have a need of such service

VVWSG has Arizona non-profit status

…and what we do –

We are passionate artists and makers from a rich array of life experiences and fiber application.

From mixing mediums to weaving, to spinning, to knitting, to crochet.
To felting to making fashion to making home items to making art —
We love what we do, creating with passion and from the heart.

We also host demos, workshops and participate in community events

From process to finished product

Check us out on social media: click the links and a new tab will open

Facebook: www.facebook.com/verdevalleyweaversguild/
Instagram: verdevalleyweavers
Twitter: @GuildVvs